Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Well, it happened. Connecticut Democrat residents will now be represented by Ned Lamont. The average far left blogger must be thrilled. This election result wasn't an accident. It was the result of a carefully coordinated attack by far left democrats against one of the party's most prominent moderates.

Joe Lieberman will be running as an independent. He's another casualty of the strange momentum that can be generated by blogger's of both parties. Not unlike Rather-gate or Howard Dean's 2004 campaign, internet momentum can take on a frenzy. I almost hope than when the party is over, CT democrats don't feel like the guy who took his shirt off and danced on top of the bar. That guy always feels awkward the next morning.

Seeing a large party of the Party embrace the far left can only be good for the Republicans in November.

In related news, Georgia voters tossed out Cynthia McKinney. Chock one up to common sense. I guess even Congresswomen can't punch a Capitol Hill police officer in the face, and get away with it.

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