Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Don't get cynical

I was listening to the radio last night as I was driving to the grocery store. Some clown of a commentator (yes, when I say "radio" I mean "AM") did the greatest thing I've ever heard him do. He shut up. And instead of talking, he aired an old Ronald Reagan speech. The speech was titled "A Time For Choosing", made in support of Republican presidential candidate Barry Goldwater and it was regarded as Reagan's first foray into politics. I sat there in my car with my milk and some beer and some potato chips.

And wow.

Here's the text and here's the recording. If, like me, you've been disgusted by politics lately; if the bitter partisanship or the tremendous deficit spending is getting you down; if you're concerned about the Patriot Act or government incursions on an individual's right to smoke in their own home; if you've been thinking dark thoughts about moving to New Zealand, listen to this speech.

Why is it refreshing to be reminded that government isn't the solution to the problem, it is the problem? Why is it invigorating to hear that the foundation of all that America has achieved has been freedom? Freedom of property, freedom of religion (or from religion), freedom to protest and to not be censored. Why is it refreshing? I think I just reminded myself.

If a football analogy will be permitted, Reagan hikes the ball, passes to Bush 41, Bush 41 runs to the outside, no, no, he fumbles, hit by Clinton, Clinton's running the other way... gets distracted by a fan, and W has the ball! W's running with it, he's going up the middle, he's, wait... where have we seen running like this?

C'est la vie. It's easy to be pissed about politics. It's even easier to wonder why candidates refuse to follow this simple vision, fighting over the mantle of "Reagan's heir" and ignoring the substance that made him so popular. But, if I could, once more, borrow from the Gipper,

"Don't get cynical. Don't get cynical... Look at yourselves and what you've done, and recognize that there are millions and millions of Americans out there who want what you want, who want it to be that way. Who want it to be a shining city on a hill."

Oh, and if you were bored by this, you might try a simpler blog.

1 comment:

Em said...

Another good Reagan speech...well, not a speech but an audio clip of him talking...are his remarks to reporters when signing the tax cuts of '81. The buzz at the time was the USSR and what to do about it, and Reagan's defense of his hard line approach is inspiring.