Wednesday, July 26, 2006

We're Off!

Introductions can be difficult. Do you shake hands? Do you nod? And if you shake, how hard do you grab? You don't want to be the guy who needs to crush everyone's hand. No one likes that guy. But by the same token, you don't want to go all limp wristed or only grab the fingers. No one likes those guys either. It's tricky. And with that said...


This will be the first post., the introductory post, of the blog. It will also be the first blog of the author. You never how one of these things will turn out. Will it become a must see place for friends and family? A reference guide to my life? Or will it go the way of so many other blogs and projects and fade into memory?

I like to think it will be a useful place, filled with interesting thoughts and information.
Hey, it could happen.


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