So, I came across this the other day. It's one of those stories you read where you first figure, "so what?" Then you start thinking about it.
For those of you who are linkaphobic, it's a story on the recent Chinese government ban on all things pig related in commercials and advertisements. It's going to be the Year of the Pig very soon in China, and China and the pig go way back.
Not only does the pig represent prosperity and health, it's also culturally ubiquitous. The average Chinese person eats over 80lbs of pork every year. Hell, the reason so many flu viruses come from China and Asia is because old germs morph into new ones inside of the pigs, and then make their way into humans. Too much information, I know. The point is, this isn't the Dog or the Horse. This is the damn Pig.
So why did they do this? Because they don't want to offend the Islamic minority in the country. Let me use different words, but repeat that, because it's important. The Chinese government is canceling billion dollar deals because it doesn't want to offend a religious minority. Since when did the Chinese give a flying monkey's ass about pissing off religious groups?
This is a government that has serious issue with religious groups of all shapes and sizes. And they're changing for a group that represent 2% of their population? Too be sure, 2% of China's population is about 21 million Muslims, which is comparable to the total amount in Europe, but the notion is odd. Especially considering the wrench it throws into the works of many large deals. Disney, fresh off the opening of a new theme park in Hong Kong, was prepping for a large publicity push, focused on Piglet. Hell, the postal service just unveiled a new series of Piglet stamps that will have to be changed or downplayed. Never mind the general use of the Pig in advertising this year.
So here's the fun part of the equation? Why is China terrified of their Islamic minority? If you think the government is doing this because they've realized the error of their ways vis-a-vis religion, let me know. I always love winning one sided arguments. China's attempting to placate, rather than quash. It's a very unusual approach from them, and might be worth keeping an eye on.
Oh, and if you read all of that and got bored, here's a video of a break-dancing toddler.
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
I'm Back.
Right. So, if you haven't noticed, I've been a bit... dismayed... by politics lately, and resultantly non-prolific. The Republicans, proving that you, in fact, can't teach an old dog new tricks, lost the House and Senate. I wish that angered me.
No, really. I wish that I could rouse up some of the fury I would have once felt at the notion that Nancy Pelosi, from San Fransisco, is the new Speaker of the House. Once upon a time, maybe. But not now. Not after the Education bill, the Steel tariffs, the "Bridge to Nowhere" (which became the icon of early 21st Century pork barrel spending), the "Culture of Corruption" (which would have been a serious charge, if it wasn't for the pot calling the kettle black), the refusal to accept changes on the ground in Iraq, and this absurd focus on "Big Government Conservatism".
Big government conservatism isn't a philosophy, it's a heresy.
And please don't mistake me, I hold no hope for the Democrats. Pelosi demonstrated her intense concern for reform when she attempted to nominate her "bestest friend evar" Congressman Murtha, to be her #2 man. He's only one of the most corrupt men on the Hill (and, WOW, is that saying something!). She further illustrated her commanding grasp of the issues dominating the political scene by pushing through a bill raising the minimum wage to $7.25/hour.
Now don't get me wrong, until very recently I worked at a job making $8.00/hour, so I understand the paycheck to paycheck lifestyle. Still do, come to think of it (though it's really more of the "Christ I hope I get a job soon", variety). The point, however, lest it slip through my verbosity, is that Pelosi clearly understands that American's are fed up with a 4.5% unemployment rate. Dammit, we need stuff to moan and groan about! Pump that unemployment up to 7%, or hell, 10%, if she's lucky. We're approaching an election after all.
The long and the short is this: I've been disgusted with politics lately. I've gotten 4 calls from the RNC asking for donations. They keep calling because on their list it says I'm one of the thousands of contributors that can be counted on for a regular $25-$50. I've hung up 4 times. I'm not afraid of the Homosexual Agenda, or the terrorists, or the Democrats. Give me something to vote FOR. Fear-mongering has run its course with this donor. I chose Bush twice because he was better than the other guy. It'll be a little while before I vote for (or fund) that again.
Hopefully, I'll be able to keep this more up to date, though, it should be noted, if politics continues as is, this may be a slightly depressing blog.
ASIDE: Go Indy! I thought the Pats would womp 'em. I was wrong. I really don't see Grossman and company taking on the Colts. Like a buddy of mine was recently saying about the Saints, the Colts, "are a team of Destiny."
You don't mess with Destiny.
Look where it got Darth Vader.
No, really. I wish that I could rouse up some of the fury I would have once felt at the notion that Nancy Pelosi, from San Fransisco, is the new Speaker of the House. Once upon a time, maybe. But not now. Not after the Education bill, the Steel tariffs, the "Bridge to Nowhere" (which became the icon of early 21st Century pork barrel spending), the "Culture of Corruption" (which would have been a serious charge, if it wasn't for the pot calling the kettle black), the refusal to accept changes on the ground in Iraq, and this absurd focus on "Big Government Conservatism".
Big government conservatism isn't a philosophy, it's a heresy.
And please don't mistake me, I hold no hope for the Democrats. Pelosi demonstrated her intense concern for reform when she attempted to nominate her "bestest friend evar" Congressman Murtha, to be her #2 man. He's only one of the most corrupt men on the Hill (and, WOW, is that saying something!). She further illustrated her commanding grasp of the issues dominating the political scene by pushing through a bill raising the minimum wage to $7.25/hour.
Now don't get me wrong, until very recently I worked at a job making $8.00/hour, so I understand the paycheck to paycheck lifestyle. Still do, come to think of it (though it's really more of the "Christ I hope I get a job soon", variety). The point, however, lest it slip through my verbosity, is that Pelosi clearly understands that American's are fed up with a 4.5% unemployment rate. Dammit, we need stuff to moan and groan about! Pump that unemployment up to 7%, or hell, 10%, if she's lucky. We're approaching an election after all.
The long and the short is this: I've been disgusted with politics lately. I've gotten 4 calls from the RNC asking for donations. They keep calling because on their list it says I'm one of the thousands of contributors that can be counted on for a regular $25-$50. I've hung up 4 times. I'm not afraid of the Homosexual Agenda, or the terrorists, or the Democrats. Give me something to vote FOR. Fear-mongering has run its course with this donor. I chose Bush twice because he was better than the other guy. It'll be a little while before I vote for (or fund) that again.
Hopefully, I'll be able to keep this more up to date, though, it should be noted, if politics continues as is, this may be a slightly depressing blog.
ASIDE: Go Indy! I thought the Pats would womp 'em. I was wrong. I really don't see Grossman and company taking on the Colts. Like a buddy of mine was recently saying about the Saints, the Colts, "are a team of Destiny."
You don't mess with Destiny.
Look where it got Darth Vader.
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